

MED COLOURS – MEDiterranean COllaborative LOgistics for the URban Space, aims at upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and planning enabling the transition to decarbonised and smart cities. By developing new SULPs, MED COLOURS will plan resilient, sustainable, integrated, and collaborative innovation-driven solutions for cities aiming at reducing the negative impacts of freight and logistics activities. MED COLOURS’ ambition is to enable low or no carbon urban freight distribution in the Interreg Euro-MED influence area.

MED COLOURS will jointly validate 1) strategy for continuous cross-monitoring of SULPs ,2) New Resilient SULPs and 3) pilot solutions for innovative and sustainable urban logistics. MED COLOURS supports the digital and environmental transition in six Interreg Euro-MED area cities: Lisbon, Livorno, Cesena, Thessaloniki, Koper, and Lyon. MED COLOURS will adopt a new approach to urban freight planning introducing new collaborative concepts and innovative urban logistics solutions.

Lisboa E-Nova is the MED COLOURS operational partner working with Lisbon Municipality for the city of Lisbon. Lisboa E-Nova provides expertise in policy and planning, namely in the SULP planning process and in implementing a pilot solution for an urban logistics micro consolidation centre. Lisboa E-Nova will support the pilot implementation developing the business model, the participatory mechanisms, the monitoring and impact assessment

Lisboa E-Nova has the competencies for monitoring processes in the urban systems and environmental dimensions of Lisbon, including GHG emissions (within the Climate Action Plan (PAC Lisboa 2030), Covenant of Mayors, Lisbon’s involvement in the EU Mission as a climate-neutral and smart city by 2030) and developing the Lisbon Observatories as a monitoring and communication tool, including the recent City Mobility Observatory.

Lisboa E-Nova will contribute to project activities by engaging relevant stakeholders and civil society and addressing environmental aspects related to the project at various levels (political, technical, etc), in the development of urban transition scenarios, thanks to its knowledge on the several thematic areas of the “green living areas” mission, aiming at a “greener Mediterranean basin” priority.

Lisboa E-Nova has also established a considerable network of important actors and a vast experience of building bridges between them, breaking silos, and promoting integration between different sectors of society. Lisboa E-Nova will also cooperate with partners developing, modelling and promoting stakeholder involvement mechanisms, monitoring and assessing impacts in the fields of environmental and carbon footprint.

Interreg Euro-MED

Programme Priority
2 – Greener MED

Lead Partner
Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation

Principal Partners
Lisboa E-Nova
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
Comune di Livorno
MemEx Srl
OpEn – European Network of Logistics Competence Centres
SPL Lyon – Société Publique Locale Lyon Confluence
University of Maribor
Zaragoza Logistics Center Foundation
Municipality of Koper

Fields of Action

January 2024

Project end date

Project duration
33 months

Total eligible budget
€ 2 667 400.00

Interreg Funds (80%)
€ 2 133 920.00

Lisboa E-Nova’s eligible budget
€ 114 400.00

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