Students Reinventing Cities Competition| Lisbon, Alfama

Lisboa E-Nova, in partnership with the Lisbon City Council, has joined the third edition of Students Reinventing Cities competition launched by C40, a network of major cities around the world committed to fighting climate change.

This competition challenges students and universities from around the world to share their vision for a more sustainable and inclusive urban future by presenting proposals to transform urban areas into green and sustainable neighborhoods.

This year there are 17 cities that have joined. For each city a winning project will be found.

The competition in Lisbon has been developed by HUB-IN Lisboa – Colina do Castelo, in partnership with Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, and Lisboa E-Nova.

HUB-IN Lisboa – Colina do Castelo, an innovation and entrepreneurship hub, spans the historic heart of Lisbon, encompassing six distinct neighborhoods. Despite their unique identities, these areas collectively shape Lisbon’s cultural essence. The central issue revolves around the displacement of residents, leading to building decay and increased poverty among the remaining population.

Teams should adhere to the submission requirements for the competition. In their project proposals, teams should respond to the area’s challenges, and present solutions to improve climate adaptation and resilience. Projects can either develop prototypes, present benchmark solutions, or both. Projects should consider aesthetic, artistic and heritage characteristics, as well as concentrating on one of the following objectives:

  1. Develop innovative solutions in outdoor spaces (eg. urban furniture) to reduce the impact of the urban heat island and heat waves. Simultaneously use these solutions to boost community interactions and improve social dynamics.
  2. Incorporate renewable energy infrastructure that is seamlessly integrated into the historical urban landscape.
  3. Enhance the (re)use of local water resources and promote circular solutions to close the urban water cycle. Consider the tangible and intangible cultural aspects related to the ‘invisible waters’ of Alfama


Registration end date for the competition 

  • 5 April 2024 Registration closes
  • 20 June 2024 Project Submission
  • July 2024 Selection of Winning Projects

Some dates may differ for each site. Check City Site form

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